Concentra…. what???

March 21, 2012


Focus. Focus. Focus…. wow it’s really nice outside and gee I wonder if I can get that appointment that I want to get anytime in the near future and no, no, no, I haven’t done that report yet and crap is that another bill that I STILL haven’t paid and how is it that I have 6 pairs of pants that I still need to hem even though I bought them last year?!?!?!


FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS Focus. focus… it’s really cool that G slept for a time in his own bed last night I love these milestones I wonder how long he’ll do it tonight, and oh yeah, there’s that concert tonight but we really need to shop and I can’t forget to get sunblock for G and where did his sunglasses go anyway and no, no, no, I haven’t called that customer back or filed that expense report.



ever notice how sometimes when you type a word enough times it no longer looks normal… like it can’tpossibly be spelled that way, yeah, focus is like that right now, and my god is it really that late because I have at least three more hours of work to do, if I could just FOCUS… like a laser…

focus. focus. focus.  foe-cuss? faux-kos?

yeah, ok, right, I’ll get right on that now.


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