Red Writing Hood: Scary Text

October 21, 2011

Creative, Memes, Red Writing Hood

The prompt this week is a scary text message.  I am hampered by a couple of things.  I don’t generally write fiction.   Also, things which are truly scary to me (loss of a loved one, natural disaster, etc.) are too real to be appropriate, and most likely wouldn’t be communicated by text in any case.  However, despite this, I’m channeling my best Stephen King (my best is poor, I admit) and present the following:

Scary Text

What I was going for was a text version of the white noise effect of televisions/radios that is often worked up in scary movies.  This text message didn’t quite hit the nail on the head, but if I received it, I would certainly be unnerved.  Especially if I were a nubile blonde teenager at a summer camp. 😉

Thanks to Write On Edge: Red-Writing-Hood for the prompt!


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17 Comments on “Red Writing Hood: Scary Text”

  1. Kelly Says:

    Yes, this is scary.


  2. Kalamapele Says:

    Interesting idea 🙂 Never thought about white noise on a text before but one you explained it worked 🙂


    • Venus Says:

      Thanks! I wish it stood more on its own without the explanation, but the concept of white noise in text messaging just isn’t very obvious. It was worth a shot, glad you enjoyed it.


  3. Kristina Says:

    Ummm … so this totally unnerved me even before I read your explanation. Because it took me a while to sift through the letters and for knock, knock and coming, coming, coming and NOW to stand out. Once it kid, my stomach flip-flopped! Really good job – I liked this a lot.


  4. barbara @ de rebus, via Write on Edge Says:

    Ha! liked it – cool take on the prompt… i didn’t notice the imbedded text at first, but it was a neat trick once I got there!


  5. idiosyncraticeye Says:

    What was even scarier was that the picture didn’t load for ages and I was truly left with a white space! 😉


  6. Kris Says:

    I didn’t notice the embedded text either. But once I went back and looked I did. As a teen it would definitely freak me out. If I read it, that is!


  7. Renee Says:

    I like this! Spookier than a straight forward threat.


  8. ADL Says:

    This would scare the bejeezus out of me.


  9. Sweaty Says:

    Hee hee… now that you’ve mentioned the white noise thing, it did become scarier and scarier. Eeek!!

    I like your idea! 🙂


  10. Galit Breen Says:

    Venus! I’m so glad that you wrote this week!

    I love the image and the hidden text? Seriously how clever (and spooky!), are you?!



  11. angela Says:

    I like the concept of it, but I can’t lie; I wouldn’t have “gotten” it without your editor’s note. The only part of the hidden text that jumped out at me was NOW.

    Of course, I can never see those 3-D pictures either.


  12. Stacey Says:

    Yup. That would totally freak me out.


  13. Valerie Says:

    That white noise is very scary! I saw a movie once where they used white noise as a back drop for communicating with ghosts. Of course I was silly enough to watch the movie late at night and I scared out of my mind!

    Very, very spooky-and very, very clever!


  14. Kristy @PampersandPinot Says:

    Hey, I love the unexpected!!


  15. blogginglily Says:

    mmmmmm. . . nubile. . . .


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